People often take their right to medical privacy for granted. There are numerous state and federal privacy statutes that help protect people from the inappropriate disclosure of their private medical information. Patients are often aware that they have to sign...
Cases That Affect Your Everyday Life
Criminal Defense
3 ways that prescription drugs can land you in legal trouble
Prescription drugs are a part of daily life for many Georgia residents. However, prescription drugs are often misunderstood, legally-speaking. What might seem like a harmless medication can inspire severe legal trouble if it is handled incorrectly. As such, it's...
Can what you say on social media be held against you in court?
If you’re like most people, your social media presence reflects your interests and maybe your professional work. As such, it’s important to know that even if you use strong privacy settings, anything you post can potentially be found by those who know how to look for...
Can the state hold someone accountable for the acts of others?
Parents often warn their children to keep the company of those with good intentions, such as ambitious law-abiding citizens. Those who have a few decades of life experience are often painfully aware of how judgmental others can be about someone's social habits. Many...
The difference between intent to distribute and trafficking
Georgia has very strict rules concerning drugs. There are numerous prohibited substances and also many prescription medications subject to restrictions under current policies enforced in Georgia. Those arrested by police officers while allegedly in possession of...
What happens to those who share prescription drugs in Georgia?
People in Georgia receive prescriptions for controlled substances to help them manage pain, overcome psychiatric issues and/or reduce the frequency and severity of seizures that they experience. There are drugs for all kinds of symptoms and maladies, many of which...
Misdemeanors vs. felonies: Considering your future
Criminal offenses can be divided into numerous categories, but it often starts with misdemeanors vs. felonies. These are the two general classes of crimes that someone can be accused of in most states. Misdemeanors are usually less serious, and they risk less strict...
What should you know about property crimes in Georgia?
Theft crimes in Georgia are typically divided into categories based on the ways in which a theft occurs and the value of the property involved. Property values that are higher can result in more serious charges that have more serious consequences. In most...
Common causes of drug offenses
Methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl are all drugs restricted at a state and federal level. These drugs have a high potential for drug abuse and addiction and can cause users to suffer psychological and physical dependence. Drugs are put into five different...
3 steps to take after an arrest to prepare for your defense
It is common for people to panic when the police put them in handcuffs or in the backseat of a cruiser. They may worry about what kind of interrogation they will experience or about what being in state custody will mean for their jobs. If you already know what steps...